Hi, I'm Sanae, the owner and creator of Harmoni. I'm passionate about creating healthier alternatives for daily habits. My line-in-the-sand moment came after many years of drinking coffee when I realized it was causing migraines, amplifying my anxiety, and wreaking havoc on my hormones. In theory, once you realize this, it seems like an obvious choice to just cut it out completely. But as anyone who has had a love affair with coffee knows, it’s not always this simple.

This was the catalyst for me to start the search for the perfect coffee alternative. When I realized that what I was looking for didn’t exist, I began experimenting in my kitchen. I wasn’t quite sure if it was the ritual, the taste, or the warm fuzzy feeling it left me with that had me so hooked on coffee. So, when I was creating an alternative, it had to satisfy all of these elements to make the cut.

"My intention wasn’t to create a drink to sell, I just really wanted a yummy morning drink that nourished my body and stimulated my mind."

One morning in the tiny kitchen of my beloved hi-top campervan, I decided to mix maca, guarana, and cacao with my morning Yerba Maté tea. I think I knew right away that there was something special about this brew.

Initially, my intention wasn’t to create a drink to sell; I just really wanted a yummy morning drink that nourished my body and stimulated my mind. After drinking this brew for over a year, I realized that this was something I needed to share with the world.

In 2018, Lov Maté was launched with a batch of just 300 bags. With no real certainty of how it would be received, I started sharing my story on social media. I knew it had changed my life, but I had no idea how many lives this little brew was going to impact.

"I knew it had changed my life, but I had no idea how many lives this little brew was going to impact."

Lov Maté quickly became a pantry staple in many homes, offering a wholesome brew without the side effects of coffee. It found its place in cafes across Australia and on the shelves of health food stores and retail spaces. Its success was a testament to the growing community that valued natural, effective wellness products. However, as with all journeys, change and growth were inevitable.

Recognizing the need to evolve and expand, we transitioned to Harmoni in 2024 to better reflect our mission of bringing balance and harmony to your daily rituals. Despite the name change, our purpose remains the same: providing a delicious and healthy energy alternative. With a vibrant energy shift comes a new flow of color, and a change in branding, but still, our values remain the same. A dedication to oneself, to the space we create in our rituals, and the love we give to our vessels.