Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & RISE Organic Energy Brew - My Experience
Hello beautiful mamas!
One of the most frequently asked questions is about drinking RISE – Organic Energy Brew while pregnant or breastfeeding.
This is my personal experience with RISE. I’m not qualified to give advice on what the right choice is for you, and I always recommend consulting your health care professional.
During the first trimester, I chose to avoid any stimulants or strong herbs. My body was very sensitive during this time, and it just felt right for me. This hypersensitivity lasted throughout my whole pregnancy. When I did start drinking RISE again, I would have half a serve, and only on days when it felt right. Sometimes just a few sips were all the energy I needed!
It was 2 weeks postpartum when the magic of RISE truly revealed itself. As a new mama of twins, to say I was sleep-deprived was an understatement.
Even when the girls finally went down, I couldn’t nap – no matter how tired I was – and I also struggled to fall asleep at night.
One morning, after yet another sleepless night, I brewed up a big mug of RISE – the first I’d had in months.
The tiredness melted away, and I felt re-energized and clear – total BLISS!
Then, a miracle happened – that same afternoon, I fell asleep with the girls – my first solid 3 hours of sleep since becoming a mama. And that night, I was able to sleep deeply between feeds.
I always knew Maté was amazing for energy and that it also assisted in REM sleep, but I didn’t fully grasp the power of it until now. I even experimented with skipping RISE on some days to monitor my sleep – just in case it had been a coincidence. Nope. There was a direct correlation between my morning RISE and the quality of my sleep.
With my new role as mama to twin girls, running a business, and keeping a home filled with love, good food, and clean nappies – I’m grateful every morning for this warm cup of goodness we created!
RISE has about the same amount of caffeine as green tea, so if you’re already drinking coffee, the transition should be very smooth. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, I suggest starting with a half serve and increasing as it feels right.
As always, listen to your body and consult your health care professional for advice.
If you have any questions, I love to chat!
Much love & energy,